Superb Maids provides the best value in home cleaning.

      We provide all-inclusive flat rates for extensive and meticulous deep cleaning services. Our exceptional crew, backed by decades of experience and a positive outlook, handles the cleaning process. We exclusively use eco-friendly, gentle, and highly regarded cleaning supplies.

         Rest assured, there are no unexpected fees or excessive charges – what's listed below is what you'll pay. Our approach to heavy-duty cleaning is equitable. We refrain from using subpar, harmful cleaning products and avoid superficial cleaning practices. Furthermore, we do not employ workers at illegal minimum wages. Lastly, our rates are supported by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're not entirely content with the outcome, we promptly process a refund.

        Typically, we invest notably more time and workforce resources (30-50% more) for each of our appointments compared to our competitors. As a result, the outcomes are inherently splendid and notably superior:


Our pricing is set at $50 per hour per maid, with a duration of 3 to 5 hours* based on your home's size and your preferences.

IMPORTANT: This rate is applicable if your residence receives routine professional maintenance or follows our deep cleaning service. If you're uncertain, we're happy to visit and assess your home's condition. Just complete this form or contact us and we will schedule the evaluation.


To access our flat rates for deep cleaning, simply use our user-friendly booking engine. Navigate to STEP 3 and choose your home size along with any additional services to view the pricing right HERE.


For post-construction and special project tasks like partial cleaning, our standard hourly rate of $50 per maid applies. If you require a more accurate estimate, please don't hesitate to contact us to request an in-person evaluation.


Mom Special: If you’re pregnant or have a baby under 6 months old, use code: “NEWMOMTUESDAY” to receive 10% discount.

Military Discount: 5% off with code “MILITARY”

Senior discount: 5% off for clients who are 65 and older

We extend special pricing to realtor referrals and healthcare professionals.

Our most attractive discounts and incentives are reserved for clients who recommend us to their friends and family. Feel free to inquire about this!

Please note that these offers cannot be combined with any other ongoing discounts.